Achieving excellence through personal growth

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Years 9 & 10
Mr Lewis, Mr Bagshaw, Mr Kinney

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an international scheme that is highly valued by colleges, universities and employers. Awards can be completed at bronze (year 9) and silver (year 10). Bronze award students will have to demonstrate determination in learning a skill, taking part in a physical activity and volunteering for 3-6 months and students can select from a range of activities in each section. Alongside this, our after-school sessions will teach the skills required to successfully complete the expedition section. This will be a two day expedition where students plan and navigate a two day walk and overnight camp. They will learn to be self-sufficient, carrying all their equipment, setting up their camp and cooking their food outdoors. Students work in teams to complete their expedition and it is a fantastic way to demonstrate our core values of courage, determination and empathy as they take on new challenges.