Achieving excellence through personal growth


Safeguarding means protecting young people from abuse and maltreatment, preventing harm, and taking action to ensure all young people are safe and cared for.

Our DSLs

The Designated Senior Person’s (DSL) role is to safeguard the students and staff, support mental wellbeing and provide emotional support to students in need. DSP teamThe DSL’s at The Thomas Alleyne Academy are:

  • Mr Devon Woolley – Lead DSL
  • Mr Mark Lewis – DSL
  • Mrs Melanie Cook – DSL
  • Mr Klaas Luchies – DSL
  • Mrs Katie Bailey – DSL
  • Mr Nurul Islam – DSL

The TAA safeguarding team works to promote students’ health, wellbeing, and safety by working with the Pastoral Team and the Mental Health Team in school, as well as a range of professionals and agencies outside of school to help young people who are struggling or at risk of harm, including of radicalisation or exploitation.

Students at TAA know that if they have worries about their own safety or the safety of a friend, they can talk to any trusted adult at school.  All school staff, including both teaching and support staff, receive regular training to ensure they know what to do and who to pass it on to when a young person shares safeguarding concerns with them.  All students are also taught about safeguarding and how to keep themselves safe through their weekly PSHE lessons.

TAA works closely with the Hertfordshire County Council to provide a coordinated response to safeguard young people.  Some helpful resources are:

Samaritans – 116 123

Childline  – 0800 1111

SHOUT text service 5258

Young Minds


Self–harm info 

Sane0300 304 700

Contact the Safeguarding Team

If you are a professional who has a concern or referral to discuss with the safeguarding team please contact us on

All the DSP’s have access to this email and will respond as soon as possible.

If you are a parent that has a safeguarding concern regarding your child or someone else’s child please contact the Head of Year or call the academy on 01438 344 344 to discuss with the safeguarding team.

“Staff are well trained and alert to any signs that a pupil may be unsafe or in need of help... they make sure that pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe from any risks”