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Year 11 Art & Design Coursework Intervention Session

Dear Parent/Carer

I will be holding an Intervention session on Saturday 7th December, from 9.30am to 12.30pm, so that students are able to finish any coursework that they have missing.

This is a voluntary session, however, all students that attended additional intervention sessions last year were able to achieve their indicator grade or above. Students may attend all or just part of the session, if they cannot stay for the full 3 hours.

Their coursework is a major part of the student’s overall mark and is worth 60%. I hope therefore that I have your support and you will encourage your child to attend. I will be providing pizza and juice for the students. All students that have attended days such as this before have not only found it beneficial, but also an enjoyable morning.

To provide a guide to the number of students expected, please could you complete the online permission slip (link below) by Wednesday 4th December 2019.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Mrs B Gibbins

Head of Art

Earlier Event: December 3
Year 9 Parents & options evening
Later Event: December 10
Year 11 Mock Results - Save the date!