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Year 7 Trip to Kidzania

E: Year 7 Trip to Kidzania, Westfield, London, Monday 15th July 2019

As part of our careers programme, we have organised a trip to Kidzania at Westfield, London. Designed to empower young people, Kidzania gives them the confidence to challenge themselves and inspire them to explore the world of opportunities. Our students will choose which activities they wish to try and each experience is designed to teach essential life skills, including financial literacy, team work, employability and leadership. The cost of the trip including coach travel and entry is £30.

In order to run this trip and keep costs to parents to a minimum, we are asking for parents/ carers to support staff in attending the trip. You will need to register your interest with Miss Honeygan as soon as possible. The trip can only go ahead if there are enough students and parent volunteers to make this viable.

We will leave school at 9.00am and depart Westfield at 2.30pm and aim to be back in school by 4.00pm. All students will need to bring a packed lunch or, alternatively, food can be purchased at the venue, although this is expensive. If your child is eligible for free school meals, please indicate if they would like a packed lunch to be provided by the school. As with all trips, students should bring water to prevent dehydration.

Students may attend in non-school uniform for this trip, but must wear the Thomas Alleyne’s PE polo shirt for identification purposes. Please ensure that appropriate footwear is worn; trainers are most suitable.

We are proud of our excellent record of exemplary behaviour on trips and visits. Students will be representing our academy and we expect all to behave and act responsibly. If staff have any concerns about your child’s conduct, their place on the visit will be reviewed.

If you know your son/daughter needs any medication (e.g. Inhalers) please ensure they bring this with them before departure – it is imperative to ensure the emergency contact and medical details we have on our system are up to date. If you know that your child suffers from travel sickness, please purchase and supply sufficient appropriate medication for the duration of the trip.

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and the decision to run the trip will be confirmed by Wednesday 8th May. The payment of £30 should be paid by Monday 1st July 2019 to main reception in an envelope with your child’s name clearly indicated, or made via the WisePay website. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. We are looking forward to an enjoyable and enriching day.

Yours faithfully Mr N Islam

Later Event: July 17
Sports Day