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Year 12 - Roche 'Generation Xt' event

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Re: "GenerationeXt Day 2019" at Roche, Welwyn Garden City, Friday 15th November 2019

Our Year 12 science students have been invited to Roche's GenerationeXt event taking place on Friday 15th November 2019 in Welwyn Garden City ( Hexagon Place, Falcon Way, Shire Park, Welwyn Garden City AL7 1TW). GenerationeXt Day is a mix of keynote presentations and workshops, all designed to inspire, excite and encourage students to pursue further education and a career in science. This is a prime opportunity for students to see the careers that science qualifications can lead to, and the routes to get there. The cost of the whole trip will be subsidised by Roche and will be free to students. Places are limited to 10 students and names will be picked at random.


All students will be collected from The Thomas Alleyne Academy. Transport is being organised by Roche who are still to confirm the pick-up time but the event will require registration at Roche from 8.45am. Details about transport will be forwarded as soon as we receive them. Roche are providing lunch so students need not bring any food with them. A final agenda for the day will be forwarded as soon as it is confirmed. The following link has a short YouTube video detailing previous events: day is due to finish at 4pm when coaches organised by Roche will return students to Thomas Alleyne.

Medical Care

If your son/daughter needs any medication (e.g. inhalers) please ensure they bring this with them before departure. It is imperative to indicate any medical details on the reply slip attached.


We are proud of our excellent record of exemplary behaviour on trips and visits. Students will be representing our Academy and we expect all to behave and act responsibly. If staff have any concerns about your son/daughter’s conduct, their place on the visit will be reviewed.

We do hope you will join us in participating in this amazing opportunity. Please complete the reply slip below to secure your place and return it to me by Friday 25th October 2019. Please also note that the reply slips are the parental consent and form part of the risk assessment documentation, therefore it is imperative these are returned.

If you have any questions or queries, please call on 01438 344344.

Yours faithfully

Mrs V Maddox

Science Teacher