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Year 13 – A Level Sociology Conference, London

Dear Parents and Students,

Re: Year 13 – A Level Sociology Conference – London, Tuesday 19th November 2019

Venue: Friends House, 73-177 Euston Rd, London NW1 2BJ

We are preparing our students for their important final examinations in summer 2020. To help students gain an idea of their destinations after A levels we have organised a very special event. We will be attending the 8th Annual Criminology Conference in London. Over 2,000 students and teachers attended this popular conference last year. We will have the opportunity of listening to leading experts and

real-world insights into criminal investigations, the criminal justice system and discrimination. This conference is perfect for all students interested in studying Policing and Criminology at undergraduate level, and all current students of Law, Sociology and Psychology. Notable speakers include Dr Irene Zempi, Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, and Dr Lindsey Harris, Assistant Professor in Criminology at The University of Nottingham, to name but a few. The event is extremely popular and we highly recommend your son/daughter attends. Please see below for full details.

Timings of the day

08.20: all students meet staff at Stevenage Rail Station

10.00: Travel to Friends House and register

10.30-4.00: Sessions and lectures running throughout the day

16.00: Conference finishes

Transport, travel and money

We will meet at Stevenage rail station at 8.30 am and travel together to London. Please ensure students arrive promptly so we may arrive at the venue in good time. Students will need to wear comfortable footwear and the sixth form dress code. Please ensure students bring an umbrella and/or waterproof outerwear, depending on the weather. Students should also bring bottled water and a packed lunch and enough money to purchase a return ticket to London and back to Stevenage.

Medical Care

If your son/daughter needs any medication (i.e. inhalers) please ensure they bring this with them before departure. It is imperative to indicate any medical details on the reply slip attached.

Safety and behaviour

We are proud of our excellent record of exemplary behaviour on trips and visits. Students will be representing our Academy and we expect all to behave and act responsibly. If staff have any concerns about your son/daughter’s conduct, their place on the visit will be reviewed.

Earlier Event: November 15
Year 12 - Roche 'Generation Xt' event
Later Event: November 21
School Performance 'Teechers'