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Year 9 Innovation Day at North Hertfordshire College, Hitchin

We are pleased to invite your child to visit North Hertfordshire College, Hitchin Campus for an Innovation Day on Wednesday 12th June 2019. The aim of the day is to introduce students to apprenticeship and college courses that are available and inspire students to succeed. These courses include Hair and Beauty, Health and Social Care, Carpentry and Sports Studies.

The visit will be taking place on Wednesday 12th June 2019. Your son/daughter will need to arrive at The Academy on this day at the normal time of 8.30am and register in their forms. Students will return to The Academy by 1.00 pm and will have a late lunch during Period 4. Students will then go to period 5 as normal and finish school at 3.00pm. Students are required to be in full school uniform.

We expect that this will be a very popular opportunity and in the interest of fairness, names will be entered into a ballot and chosen at random if oversubscribed. Places will not be secured on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Please be advised that places will be limited to 50 students. Should your child be successful they will be notified via their form tutors. Please return the reply slip below to Miss Proto by no later than Tuesday 21st May 2019.

What to bring:

Please note that your child will be required to bring a packed lunch and a bottle of water with them to The Academy on this day. (The canteen will not be open due to early lunches over the exam period). If your child is entitled to free school meals and you wish The Academy to provide your child with lunch, please fill out the permission slip below. We ask that parents ensure their child bring with them any medication that they require and that school staff are aware of any medical needs. Students should wear their normal school uniform on this day.


Members of school staff Miss Kwiatkowski, Miss Proto and Mr Crowley will be accompanying students on this trip. We are proud of our excellent record of exemplary behaviour on trips and visits. Students will be representing our Academy and we expect all to behave and act responsibly. If staff have any concerns about your son/daughter’s conduct, their place on the visit will be reviewed.