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Year 9 Ventura Design Competition, The Design Museum, London

I am delighted to inform you that the Academy has been given the opportunity to visit the ‘Ventura Design Competition’ workshop at The Design Museum, Kensington High Street, London, on Friday 27th September 2019.

The event will introduce the Ventura Design Competition and encourage students to develop design ideas that meet real life needs and could be sold at the Museum for £10 or under. Using various design elements, students will be able to interact with contemporary designers and experiment with some design resources designing a product to meet such needs. In addition, and during the time of the competition, students will have opportunities to meet, hear about the ideas and see the works of innovative business tycoons and inventors.

We will travel together by train and tube from Stevenage station. Parents will need to make arrangements for their child to meet Academy staff at Stevenage train station by 8.30am where we will travel by train to London. Parents will need to make arrangements to collect or give their permission for the student to make their own way home from the station, our estimated time of arrival at Stevenage Train Station will be 4pm. Students will be required to bring a packed lunch and must wear school uniform. If your child is in receipt of free school meals a packed lunch will be provided.

Although the workshop is free, the cost of the trip will be £21.00 per student to cover the cost transport and other expenses.

If you would like your child to attend this visit please complete and return the attached permission slip, together with your payment of £21.00, to Mrs O’Rourke in Reception by Wednesday 18th September 2019. Payment may be made via cash, cheque (made payable to ‘The Thomas Alleyne Academy’) or via WisePay.

If you know your son/daughter needs any medication (e.g.inhalers, travel sickness medication etc) please ensure they bring this with them before departure – it is imperative to indicate any medical details on the permission slip.

We are proud of our excellent record of exemplary behaviour on trips and visits. Students will be representing our Academy and we expect all to behave and act responsibly. If staff have any concerns about your child’s conduct, their place on the visit will be reviewed.

Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me. We are looking forward to an enjoyable day.

Yours faithfully,

Mr S. Makinde

Design & Technology

Earlier Event: September 25
Year 9 - Airbus Flying Challenge Launch Event
Later Event: September 27
Macmillian Coffee Morning