We have the pleasure of celebrating the success of our students who leave us ready to engage in purposeful employment, education or training.
In the past three years, all of our summer leavers have successfully progressed to further or higher education, employment or higher and degree apprenticeships or to serve in our country’s Armed Forces.
Careers education, underpinned by a tailored programme, is delivered from Year 7 to 13. We deliver age-appropriate modules to prepare students for key moments of choice and provide comprehensive, impartial information on all academic and vocational routes. Each year group has the opportunity to explore their future careers and the qualifications and skills required for their next steps in reaching their career goals. Timetabled sessions ensure students make informed decisions about future studies and career options that are reviewed and updated regularly.  Our excellent careers programme has been recognised by the careers hub county wide and we have been selected as a ‘leading school’ by the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Hertfordshire Enterprise Partnership.
All our students meet through Years 7 to 13, visit and work with a range of employers and higher education providers to ensure they are fully aware of the diverse and exciting pathways available to them. We are able to draw on a breadth of expertise across our partnership and widening access participation teams from universities to ensure our students are fully prepared to select and succeed on appropriate destinations through their education.
For more careers advice and guidance visit: https://www.ychertfordshire.org/
Alternatively, you can speak to Katie Bailey, Assistant Head Teacher- Careers Lead at TAA – by calling 01438 344341 or emailing: KBailey@tas.herts.sch.uk
- Careers and Character Timeline 24/25 (2.34MB)
Useful Links
Further Advice and Guidance can be found at the following links:
Advice on career options:
Apprenticeships and work
www.apprenticeships.org.uk – Information about apprenticeships.
www.amazingapprenticeships.com – Apprenticeship vacancies and snapshots
https://www.careersbox.co.uk/- Useful careers advice videos
www.mybigcareer.co.uk – careers and cv writing website and vacancies
https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk/ – Advice on alternatives to university
https://www.shaw-trust.org.uk/ – Careers advice specially tailored for disabled pupils
https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/ – Take a Skills Health Check to help you decide on a future career
icould.com- Take the Buzz Quiz to discover new careers suited to you and explore different career profiles
https://www.milkround.com/school-leavers/jobs/ Careers advice for school leavers
https://www.prospects.ac.uk/ – Fantastic overall careers advice, with job profiles giving lots of information of different careers
http://www.futuremorph.org/ – Carer opportunities in science and maths
https://www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk/ -Support finding a job after school
https://www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk/ Support finding a job after school
University Information
www.ucas.com – The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service – connects people to University, post Uni studies (postgraduate) including teacher training, apprenticeships & internships.
https://univeristy.which.co.uk – University advice and course search
www.opendays.com – Lists dates for university open dates and gives the opportunity to book a place online.
www.skill.org.uk – National bureau for students with disabilities.
www.unistat.com – University Comparison Website
www.guardian.co.uk/education/higher-education – University ranking tables and subject profiles.
thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk – Excellent overall advice about university
https://www.gov.uk/student-finance – Government website giving information on student finance for university and higher education.
Student Life
http://www.nus.org.uk/ – Student rights, finance advice, links to other organisations. Also provide NUS card for special student discount offers.
https://www.myunidays.com/GB/en-GB/content/about – Special student discount offers
Gap Year
www.yini.org.uk – year in industry provides talented young people with paid degree relevant work placements.
www.yearoutgroup.org – Association of gap-year providers offering information on opportunities in the UK and overseas.
www.gapwork.com – Information about gap year jobs, volunteer placements and seasonal work abroad.
Studying Abroad
www.erasmus.ac.uk – European study opportunities as part of a UK degree course.
www.fulbright.co.uk – Information and advice about studying in the USA.
www.acu.ac.uk – Website for the association of commonwealth universities – provides information on studying abroad.
www.hotcoursesabroad.com – Details of part-time and holiday jobs aimed at students.
Careers Advice
We have a dedicated Careers Advisor, Head of Careers, Mrs Newbery, who assists students in Year 11 and our Sixth Form with their choices.Â
During our study skills periods students are given bespoke advice and guidance on options and pathways after completion of their programme of study. We understand university is not for all students and we have qualified staff to help students plan higher apprenticeship applications or embark on their first career move.
Students are given advice and guidance on cv writing, apprenticeship applications and mock interviews. Networking with local businesses in our community has resulted in many exciting placements and work shadowing experiences for our students.
Career advice will be available via:
- Regular destination gathering from form tutors about intended destinations.
- Bespoke work experience opportunities given to individuals and shared with the whole year.
- External speakers sourced to enhance career aspirations for example, talks by NHS staff, BBC politics correspondents and TAA Alumni. Â
- Work experience and other enrichment activities.Â
- All students complete MOOCs, Ted Talks, Uptree courses and taster lectures through the form time programme.
- Visits to University and Apprenticeship fair and two different Universities. Â
- One to one careers support given to those that are unsure about their destination. This is available all year for any student who wants or needs extra support. Â
- Small group support throughout the year for specialist pathways such as Medics and Oxbridge Applications.
- Support with apprenticeship applications from beginning to end, with writing the personal statements, practice interviews and aptitude tests. Â
- Support, advice and guidance from trained staff throughout the UCAS process. Personal statements checked and feedback given by at least two different trained members of staff.
- Careers focus in the form time programme investigatingÂ
different industries and pathways. - Range of volunteering opportunities such as the Empathy Project at Lister hospital, primary schools, Stevenage Museum, Radio Addenbrookes etc.Â
- Sourcing specialist employer encounters e.g. the Ride along scheme for those interested in the police force. Â
- Extra curricular opportunities to network e.g. LiS with GSK.Â
- Mock interview preparation and post completion work including help with checking contracts of employment.
- Support post 18 (e.g. references, CV checking and cover letter help).
Progressing to higher education is, for most of our students, a natural step after A levels. On average 98% of our students gain a conditional offer from their first choice of university. Professional advice, guidance and tailored support is given to all students whether they are applying to Oxbridge, Russell Group Universities or Foundation Degrees. Advice on independent living, student finance, budgeting and postgraduate study and employment are discussed in 1-2-1 meetings with all students.