Enrichment and Clubs
At The Thomas Alleyne Academy, we believe that academic life needs be about more than just your timetabled lessons. We live in a continually evolving world and through our enrichment offer, we are able to offer a broad spectrum and extensive range of experiences that enrich and underpin our curriculum. Lessons are designed to ensure that you feel motivated and inspired. We continually strive to raise your aspirations and awareness, and encourage you to maintain a professional attitude for every task you face.
We provide varied and bespoke activities which enable you to reflect on and build your independence and confidence. Some of the subject matter covered includes independent living skills, financial awareness and budgeting, health and safety, coping in emergencies and raising funds for charities in the local community. Each week, outside speakers are invited to give presentations to all our sixth form students on a variety of topics and experiences that you can get involved with.
Visiting Careers and University Fairs gives students a chance to meet professionals and enhance their ‘soft’ skills.
Networking with businesses in our local community has resulted in many exciting work experience placements.
Students attend the ‘What Career/What University Fair at Olympia London. The day gives all our students an insight of post graduate employment and apprenticeships available at post 18.
Our students participate in a complimentary curriculum programme where they attend undergraduate shadowing schemes, and keynote speakers visit our Academy to discuss industry and future careers.