Achieving excellence through personal growth

Report an Absence

Medical/Dental appointments should be taken out of school time, if your child has a medical/dental appointment please make sure that the attendance team receive a copy of the appointment letter/text message so that it can be authorised. Students are required to sign in and out of school at the main front office.

New National Framework for penalty notices (published from the Department of Education) will come in to effect from 19th August 2024 – letter link here.

Each school day consists of two sessions (AM and PM). 1 school day equals 2 sessions / 2 absences.
As a parent or carer, you should complete the absence request using the above link (absence request) if you need to request a leave of absence to take your child out of the academy during term time.

Head teachers no longer have the discretion to allow time for a family holiday or to agree to extended leave for parents/carers to visit their country of origin during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Taking children out of school during term time means that they would be losing valuable school time at the expense of their education.

In Sixth Form all students are expected to have 100% attendance and are expected to be in five days per week. Attendance and punctually records are of paramount importance as we prepare our students for the world of work.

All absences should be reported to the Attendance Officer on 01438 344344 (Option 2) by 8.30 am using the above procedure, there is an answering service on this number so you may leave a message.

The morning register is taken at 8.30am and closes at 9.00am.

If a student arrives at school or to form after 8.30, they will be marked as late.
Afternoon registration is taken at 1pm for Years 7 and 8, and 12.20pm for Years 9, 10 and 11. The register for the Period 4 lesson is used for this purpose.

Any student arriving after 9.00am, will receive a ‘’Late After Register Closes – Code U’’ – this is an unauthorised absence for the whole of the session unless this has been as a result of attending a medical appointment, with proof provided.

Excellent attendance is expected of all students at The Thomas Alleyne Academy.  We want the very best for every student, any sessions missed add up quickly.  The higher a pupil’s attendance, the more they are likely to learn, and the better they are likely to perform in exams and formal assessments.

While some absences, such as illness are unavoidable, students with excellent attendance are more confident and successful in their studies.

There are 190 statutory school days in one year. There are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) available to use for holidays, which would not have a negative effect on your child’s education. Every school day counts!

Attendance Reporting Procedures for Whole School

If your child is too unwell to attend school, use the form above or call the main academy telephone number 01438 344344 and press option 2 or email

Please inform the Attendance Officer on each day of absence and send a note of explanation in with your child on their return to the academy.

If you need support getting your child to school or have a question about attendance please contact the attendance team on